Thursday, April 2, 2009


YAHOOOOOO IM A BIG SISTER! Calvin was born! 7pounds 13oz, just like me, a lot of hair! hehehehehe! The little monkey is here! IM A BIG SISTER! I will never forget this day, where i became a sister! I AM I AM I AM! WE LOVE YOU CALVIN LOTS OF KISSES AND HUGS!


Monday, March 16, 2009

2009 Assembly

What i ate a Cracker Barrel
What mom ate at Cracker Barrel

Before Dad ate, worrying about his food

After dad ate, LIFE IS GOOD!

2009 Assembly

Hello! This assembly was really fun! We left on Thursday. Friday we went to the Nature Center (for pics, go to then we went to IKEA. Saturday we went to the assembly, ate at Applebees and went back to the hotel! Sunday we went to the assembly and then met nana and papa and some brothers and sisters from their kingdom hall at Chilli's, then went home! I had a pretty good time, when we went home we went to pick up the doggies, and they were SOOOOOOOO HAPPY! On the way up to the hotel we stopped to eat at Cracker Barrel....YUMMMM! I got two hand knitted bunny rabbits!

We found out that our Circuit Overseer, Brother Barnett, will be leaving our circuit after our August special day assembly. We will miss him very much! He's so funny and nice....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Time For A Vacation

It is soooo time for a family vacation. Question is, where should we go, how much will it cost, how much will it cost and how much will it cost? hehehehehe. Between work, schooling, illness, and frustration it's just time to get away and leave the routine for at least a week.....

Speaking of such, this is one of my favorite pictures of our last getaway (last year) to the Coca Cola Factory in Atlanta. That was a great weekend. We did so much! We also went to the aquarium, zoo, took a walk in Centennial Olympic Park, . . . it was awesome. Maybe it's time for another Atlanta trip! Only time will tell. All based on budget, and how much time Rob can get off work. (IF he can/should take time off.)

I know so many have been struggling with finances and the economy has been taking a downward slide.... so many in the hall are going through really bad times up here, and it is starting to hit closer to home. My dad has been getting notice that they plan on making MAJOR layoffs (they've already laid off more than 100 people from his plant indefinitely), Rob's coworkers are struggling with customers canceling, so their paychecks are dwindling as well. It's definitely getting a little scary,.... but this does remind me of a talk given in our hall a few months ago where the brother said "we cannot expect to live normal lives during abnormal times." So all in all, we might suffer some now, but like last Sunday's Watchtower said, there are so many blessings to come who can count them all?

For those of my friends going through hard times right now, please know you are in my prayers, and remember how much Jehovah loves you and will take care of your needs! And our family loves you, too!!! As it stands, we haven't been too badly affected, . . . but I also know it's only a matter of time.... so it's hard for me to want to make a "medical" trip to Atlanta to get all this medical stuff rolling again, for fear of the bills to follow and the insecurities of whether Rob will have work tomorrow, next week, next month to pay all the medical bills we are bound to rake up again. We keep working on getting caught up, then BAM, we get drug down again and again by medical bills. Rob had to have a CT scan done last month, we just got the $1,700 bill -- and the test came back clear (no abnormalities) -- not that I want there to be something wrong, but after paying that much money, sure would be nice if they could figure things out, don't you think? -- it's enough to make me barf! But, again, time to leave it in Jah's hands and move on to focusing on the more important things. Like, there are five weekends in May! Sounds like an awesome time to aux. pioneer, or help support others who have signed up!

Oh, onto hobbies.... I have finished so many projects (and no, still haven't taken any pictures, but will soon, it's been a little CRAZY...) Right now I'm working on a queen size quilt for my bed. I finished all my squares, and hope to start sewing them together this weekend so I can put the sashing on and get it quilted and finished in the next few weeks! I've also made a few more bags, and just started on Cindy's diaper bag this evening. This is so exciting, to know that one of my bags will be in Europe! I'll send photos as soon as I finish. It's a work in progress! Here's a picture of the fabrics cut out and waiting to be put together:

The colors are so yummy and the fabric is so soft, I just can't wait to get this one put together. It's taken me long enough, but hey, she's got 3 to 4 weeks left, and I work better under pressure! After that, I'm getting started on a quilt I promised Ciara, then I have to finish one I started last fall which will turn out to be a cool wall quilt. Pictures coming soon, I promise.

Ok, after this heart to heart I'm exhausted. I'm still recovering from lack of sleep while Ciara and I were sick! Have a great night, catch you all again soon!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Finally Went To Doc

So, finally went to doc today, and what did he say: "What toook you so long to come in?" I'm like, what, doesn't everybody wait three weeks of total misery before going to the doctor? Sooo, borderline pneumonia, double ear infection, bring-it-on! hehehehehe. Anyhoo, gave me a nice powerful shot of antibiotics (first they put novacaine in, then the antibiotics, because it burns so bad) and one week of antibiotics at home... also rest and relaxation and no blood thinners for three days. My bloodwork was soooo off the wall, I get to rest from bloodthinners for a few days anyway.

On a positive note, Rob and Ciara decided to make some comfort foods! They baked chocolate chip cookies. Unfortunately, part of this germie thing is not having much of an appetite, so I haven't even had one... but don't they look yummy? Wish I was feeling better!

Anyhoo, hope to be feeling better soon. We had no snow this morning, then it came down so hard this afternoon, . . . when I left to dr., roads were clear, when I retuned, we had over two inches. I think we'll have between 5 to 8 inches by morning! (or at least that's what weatherbug is saying, guess we'll see in the a.m.) I think I will stay in tomorrow and just heal, it's too cold to risk getting sicker for sure! Hope my job is as patient as they claim to be!

Have to go back for recheck on Thursday to Dr., ... hopefully things will start clearing up before then. Also got a call from the doctors in Atlanta, they need my white blood count to go down, and when it does (since I'm running this yuckie germie thing, my body is fighting infection big time), . . . once it goes down, then we'll schedule testing in Atlanta with the leg thing. They said it would be two days of testing, so Atlanta zoo, here we come again! Hopefully it will be this month, since we have our circuit assembly next month and that always throws the budget off. That's one thing I miss about Florida for sure, not having to get a hotel room for every assembly. Unfortunately, where we are now, we have to get rooms for all three assemblies every year; however, it could be worse, ... at least we don't have to wade waist deep in crocodile infested waters with our luggage over our heads to make it to our spiritual gatherings! In every negative, we can always find a positive!

Ok, I'm definitely not making sense,.... I think the pain shot I got today is sending me for a loop. Anyhoo, enjoy the pictures below that Ciara took of our spring today. Talk you all of you soon!

Spring before cold snap:
Spring during cold snap:

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Germies, Cooties and Boogies

Yup, I'm sick AGAIN... grrrrr. I finally get to feeling better, after almost two weeks of being sick, so I went out in service yesterday. It was cold and windy; however, in my defense, I did layer my clothes to be very very warm and wore boots, scarf, the works....

And yet here I am looking like a Nyquil commercial - red runny nose, cough, congestion, YUCKY AWFUL FEELING SO YOU CANT REST GERMIES....

Anyhoo, I thought since we've been eating so much better, I wouldn't get sick so often, ... but my system (and my thin blood) are no match for the super bugs in NC (personally I think these germs are on steroids to be completely honest). Talking about eating better, I'm so proud of Ciara! She's loving some of the new organic foods we've been eating, like this yummy bowl of cereal she had this morning!
It looks yummy enough to have another bowl! No, seriously, she had like two bowls! MMMMMMM Yummies in my tummies!

Anyway, that's why I haven't blogged in a while,. . . having a hard time breathing, much less typing!

Before I got sick we went to a place in Asheville to watch a "discounted movie" called the Asheville Pizza & Brewery Company. Pretty cool place. Movie's are $3.00, and you can order pizza, snacks and they have an open bar.... the only thing I worry about is the aliens that have invaded their building:
No one seemed to notice their invasion; however, I send these picture for proper documentation of this historical event. Here are a few more pics, it truly was a unique experience!
Oh my goodness this picture makes me laugh so hard! Meet Austin, he's one of the pre-teens from our kingdom hall. He's having issues with his beer belly, but we have been trying to slowly bring this to his attention. Too bad he always makes a joke of it! (Then again he looks a little afraid, maybe he doesn't own a mirror at home?!?)
We truly appreciate him in our hall, along with their family. They have been quite an inspiration to our family.... they may not have much, but they always have something to share. And just having someone to kick back with and laugh with you is always a good thing!

After a long day going to work, picking up my glasses, going to the movies and tackling the Asheville traffic I'm no longer used to, it was a relief to get home.... only to be sick for two weeks after that (ick), . . . but fun nonetheless.
So Kim and I packed the kids up in the Jeep and off we went (btw - I know, my Jeep is filthy, but I swear I had gone thru the carwash the day before -- the joy of road salt!)

Ok, time for a hot bath, nyquil, so I can rest medicine!

Miss you all!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Nothing great to share today. Except I wish I had my camera when I went thru the car wash! There was this guy in front of us, . . . he drove back and forth and back and forth and back and forth out and in the car wash trying to figure out why it wasn't working! Guess he never saw the sign that says "Do Not Enter Car Wash Until Light Flashes Green". Ciara and I were so amused by the whole thing, . . . we thought "wow, we have been in the mountains way too long, ... we're so entertained by this!"

Soooo, it's definitely time for a vacation and something more amusing, don't you think?


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boot Leaking Issues

Guess how you keep your feet dry when your boots soak up water? Yup, bag socks. #1 - put socks on, #2 - put bags on, #3 - put boots on and your off!

Another day of snow and cold.

Here's my little snow pup..... MUSH CIARA MUSH!